Writer - Director - Producer - Performer
Meet the
With an expansive artistic sensibility, Destinee is drawn to stories that highlight the complexity and nuances of women and BIPOC individuals. Multi-hyphenated, the director enjoys creating bold characters through multifaceted storytelling. Bringing her spirituality, humor, and background as an actor, Destinee strives to create work that fosters human connection and expression by telling authentic stories that captivate audiences.
Her short films THE TRUTH OF US and BAGELS & COFFEE have enjoyed festival screenings around the world. In 2021, Destinee was the recipient of the Cucalorus Writing Residency held in Wilmington, NC. Most recently, she has expanded her directing skills to the dub directing. Destinee has been the creative lead on the NETFLIX shows CHRISTMAS FLOW, IRON CHEF: BRAZIL, IRON CHEF:MEXICO, SUMMER JOB, REPRESENT and the film IN HIS SHADOW.
When she isn’t directing, Destinee enjoys producing. Collaborating with BIPOC filmmakers, Destinee has produced award winning short films PREGGERS and COFFEE SHOP NAMES, the latter of which can be viewed on HBOMax.
Filmmakers who inspire Destinee are Rodrigo Garcia, Spike Lee, Claire Denis, and Kon Ichikawa.