Writer - Director - Producer - Performer

WADE IN THE WATER is a horror feature length narrative with themes that explore generational trauma, micro-aggressions & racism, and White feminism.
The story centers around African American Venus and her white American best friend, Harley. When Harley receives news of an inheritance, the two women travel to Harley's grandmother's former residence in the American South. While there, Venus and Harley begin to unpack the history of the property as its past horrors reveal themselves around them– and through them.

RIVER is a narrative short film, in part of the anthology feature, THROUGH THE BLINDS - which follows the lives of different women over the decades.
It's 1964, almost a year after the Alabama bombing and six-year-old River can't figure out why there is still a painting of White Jesus on her parents' living room wall. In her fight for justice, she sees the external oppression seep into her family's walls when her mom returns home from a mental health hospital.
Please visit our FISCAL SPONSORSHIP PAGE if interested in donating to our film

THE OTHER PARTNERS is a comedic short film about female masturbation.
Rowyn's unabashed love for self-care is discovered when her boyfriend, Raj, innocently stumbles upon her dildo in a kitchen drawer.
With the overturn of Roe v Wade and the violence against women, especially Black women, this film stands as a message that the access and freedom of our bodies lies within us.